i'm Somoye

Remote full-stack software engineer

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front-end development

Responsible for client-side implemention of visual elements that users see and interact with in a web application

back-end development

Combination of a database and a server-side software running on web servers, cloud-based servers, or a hybrid of both.

Full-stack development

Tackling projects that involve databases, building user-facing apps, or even work with clients during the planning phase of projects.


Software Engineering school


June 2020 - Present

Algorithms, data structures, software design patterns

Front-end and Back-end development

Open source projects and contributions

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featured projects


Drive Super Cars

Utilizing Auth0 for Authentication and Authorization, Redux for state management, this application is built as a single page app consuming a Ruby on Rails API for booking appointments to test drive supercars.


Space Shooter Game

In this never-ending game, you will face different enemies at random times, and you have to use your laser to make them explode. Every enemy gives you a different score point, and you need to avoid getting hit by their lasers or overlap with one of them. When the game is over, the user can restart the game.


Social Media App With Ruby On Rails

A social media application built with Ruby on Rails with the typical features of a social media application like, posting, commenting on a friend's post, like or dislike a post, invite another user to friendship, accept or deny a friend request. I worked with advanced associations, many-to-many relationships. Performed application testing using RSpec with shoulda-matchers and capybara libraries.


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